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我译网    发布时间:2018-09-17 09:07:08
  1. 中国是实实在在的发展中国家。

China is still a developing country in every sense of this term.

  1. 中美经贸关系会更加密切,这个中美关系的“压舱石”会更沉更稳。

China-US business ties will get even closer and it will put the overall China-US relationship on more solid footing.

  1. 对于一个国家的领导人来说,不仅要继承前人所创造的成就,也应该担负起前人的罪行所带来的历史责任。

For leaders of a country, they, while inheriting the historical achievements made by their forefathers, also need to shoulder the historical responsibilities for crimes committed in the past.

  1. 并不是中国向世界输出了通缩,你说叫“输出者”,实际上我们是“被通缩”。

Although the consumer price level has fallen quite low in China recently, the country is not the exporter of deflation to the world. Actually, China is "being deflated".

  1. 门好进了、脸好看了,就是不办事,这是为官不为啊,必须严肃问责。

And there is no room for incompetence, or indolence on the part of government officials. We also need to step up the accountability system.

  1. 中国经济面临着下行的压力,有多重风险,关键在于新常态下要在稳增长和调结构中间找到平衡点,这就使我想起中国人发明的围棋,既要谋势,又要做活,做活有两只眼。

I recognize that there is considerable downward pressure on China’s growth and it will still face multiple challenges. This requires that the government must strike a proper balance between maintaining steady growth and making structural adjustments. In “Weiqi”, a kind of chessboard game invented by the Chinese, one needs to both plan with a wide view and get the key moves right.

  1. 我们要更多地提供租金低廉的创业空间,给创业插上翅膀。

Low-rent spaces should be available - to add wings to the entrepreneurial spirit of our people.

  1. 坚持正确的历史观,就是要以史为鉴、面向未来。

One needs to hold a right outlook on history and that means one needs to take history as a mirror and at the same time look to the future.

  1. 中国把自己的事办好,保持合理的发展,本身就是对世界巨大的贡献。

China needs to run its own affairs well and maintain its development at a reasonable speed and I believe that in itself is China’s major contribution to the world.

  1. 人们不仅在追求物质财富的增加,而且希望有更丰富的精神生活。

Our people not only want to pursue an increase in material wealth, but also long for better nourishment of the mind.

  1. 中央有关部门和地方要分层负责,发现问题要及时处置,防止苗头性的问题蔓延,当然也不能容忍道德风险。总之,还是要瞪大眼睛,练就一双加强监管的“火眼金睛”。

Responsibility must be matched with power; governments, departments and local authorities must perform their assigned possibilities conscientiously and promptly handle any possible latent risk, and also guard against moral hazards. Basically, we must sharpen our vision to exercise the most-effective regulation.

  1. 我们完全可以实现“十三五”良好开局,这给世界带来的会是一股暖风。

We will be able to deliver a good start to the 13th five-year plan, which will bring a warm breeze to the world.

  1. 中美的共同利益是在不断扩大,而且远远大于分歧。

This in itself shows that the common interests between the two countries are constantly expanding, and (the common interests) far outweigh their differences.

  1. 所以可以肯定地说,老有所养不会、也绝不能是一句空话。

So, ensuring that the elderly will be provided for cannot and will not be an empty promise.

  1. 我们就是要用减政府权力的“痛”来换得企业、群众办事的“爽”。

we are determined to keep doing it until our job is done, as that will deliver clear benefits to our people even if the government has to make painful adjustments.

  1. 让群众少跑腿,还能够办成事

So the government will provide better services to the people to ensure that they can get things done with greater ease.

  1. 公开是惯例,不公开是例外。

So openness will be standard practice, whereas the lack of this an exception.

  1. 让群众像扫二维码一样清清楚楚、一览无余。

We should make government information as easily accessible for our people as just one click away.

  1. 人们不是常说“人在做、天在看”吗?现在是云计算的时代,我们要让“权在用、云在看”。行使权力不能打小算盘。

People used to say, "As man is doing, heaven is watching." I guess in this era of cloud computing, it should be, "Cloud is watching, watching how power is being used," and in the exercise of power by governmental departments, there should be no practice of making calculating moves for personal gain.

  1. 我们坚信只要坚持改革开放,中国的经济就不会“硬着陆”。

We believe that there will not be a hard landing as long as we stick to the reform path.

  1. 我们把培育新动能和改造提升传统动能结合起来,形成中国经济的“双引擎”,就会闯过困难的关口,跃上希望的高原。

If we combine the "fostering of new drivers" and "upgrading of old engines" and make them the "double-engines" of the Chinese economy, it will go through the pass of difficulties and leap to the plateau of hope.

  1. 中美的共同利益是在不断扩大,而且远远大于分歧。

The common interests between the two countries are constantly expanding, and (the common interests) far outweigh their differences.

  1. 现在美国正在举行大选,很热闹,吸引眼球,但是不管花落谁家,最后谁当总统,我相信中美关系向前发展的大势不会改变。

As for the ongoing general election in the US, it has been lively and has caught the eyes of many. I believe that no matter, in the end, who gets into the White House, the underlying trend of China-US ties will not change.

  1. 我们必须做到产能要去,但大量职工的饭碗不能丢,而且争取让他们拿上新饭碗。对于一时尚不能够做到的,中央财政和地方财政有能力进行妥善安置。

We will press ahead to deal with overcapacity and at the same time make sure that there will not be mass job losses. We will assign possible laid off people to new jobs and for those who still have difficulties in getting employment opportunities, the central and local government have financial resources to cover layoffs.

  1. 我们说放权并不是说放任。营造公平竞争环境的监管措施必须到位,还要防止任性、任意地检查,这样简政放权才能更有效,才能让生产力发展起来、群众得到好处。

To delegate powers does not mean the government will be hands off. Instead, it needs to do a better job in ensuring a level playing field, and it also need to redress such malpractice as arbitrary regulation. We hope that throughout this process, we will further boost this productivity, and bring more benefits to the people.

  1. 我们现在提倡的“大众创业、万众创新”,实际上是为大、中、小企业、科研机构等提供一个平台,使众创、众包、众扶、众筹等有活跃的空间。

The campaign of mass entrepreneurship and innovation is to put in place a platform for the development of various types of companies and research institutions, and to create a broad space for crowdfunding, crowd innovation and crowdsourcing.

  1. 发展文化可以培育道德的力量,我们推动现代化,既要创造丰富的物质财富,也要通过文化向人民提供丰富的精神产品,用文明和道德的力量来赢得世界的尊重。

To develop culture will help us enhance moral strength in the course of pursuing modernization. We should not only work hard to create rich material wealth, but also meet our people's growing cultural needs and win the respect of other countries with the strength of culture and civilization.

  1. 如果把亿万群众的创造力、积极性调动起来,可以形成投鞭断流的气势,再加上背水一战的意志,就可以顶住经济下行的压力,而且促进经济的转型。一个国家的繁荣进步,还是在于亿万民众的参与,这也可以实现人的全面发展。

When we bring into full play the enthusiasm and creativity of all our people, it will generate a powerful momentum. With that momentum and our firm determination, we will be able to withstand the downward economic pressure and achieve faster economic transformation. Ultimately, a country's prosperity and development would not be possible without the full involvement of all its people and that will also be a process for us to boost the all-round human development.

  1. 我对两岸关系和平发展的前景是乐观的,我们之间的血脉是分不开的。我相信两岸经贸关系的发展也会造福两岸民众,改善民生。

I for one feel optimistic about the future of peaceful development of cross-Straits relations. There is a strong tie between the two sides that cannot be severed. I also believe that closer business cooperation could bring benefits to people of both sides.

  1. 现在中日关系虽然有改善的势头,但是还不巩固,还比较脆弱,我们还应该本着双方对历史问题的原则共识,而且做到言行一致。我可不愿意看到再走回头路。

In particular, there has been some signs of improvement of Sino-Japanese ties, but it is not fully established yet and it is still fragile. We believe that it is important to adhere to the consensus reached between the two sides on the issue of principle involving history, and it is important to match one's words with concrete actions. What I don't want to see is another disruption in the holding of such a meeting.

  1. 中方希望,中美关系不管有什么样的坎坷,还是要向前走、向好处走。

China hopes that no matter what bumps this relationship may run into, it will continue to move forward in a positive direction.

  1. 关起门来以邻为壑,解决不了问题。

A closed-door policy or beggar-thy-neighbor approach leads to no solutions.

  1. 我曾经在中国少林寺陪同外宾看过武僧表演,几岁的小武僧一口气翻十几个跟头不费劲,而练过十几年武功的青年武僧翻三五个跟头就了不得了,主要是块头大了。

I can’t help but recall a martial art performance I saw at Shaolin Temple, during which a child monk can do over a dozen somersaults at one go quite easily, but several such consecutive somersaults for an adult monk would be quite an accomplishment due to their different size.

  1. 至于维护全球贸易的自由化,这需要世界各国共同努力,因为天下是天下人的天下。

As for liberalization of global trade, we believe all countries need to work together to push it forward. The world belongs to us all and we all need to do our part to make things better.

  1. 我们要通过“互联网+政务服务”,让群众少跑腿、少烦心、多顺心。

Besides, the government will leverage the Internet to make public services more accessible to the people.

  1. 简言之,就是要向依法依规的市场主体发出“前行、前行、再前行”的信号;向依靠劳动创业创新者亮起“可以、可以、再可以”的绿灯。

In a nutshell, the government should send a resounding message of “yes” to law-abiding market entities, give the green light to hard-working entrepreneurs and innovators.

  1. 按常理说,谁也不愿意自己的家门口整天闹个不停。

It’s common sense that no one wants to see turbulence at his doorstep.

  1. 我们要营造有利于创业就业的环境,不是靠政府去提供“铁饭碗”,而是让人民群众用劳动和智慧去创造或者说打造“金饭碗”。

The government’s job is not to hand out the “iron rice bowl” or permanent jobs to the people, but to create enabling conditions for the people to use their own ingenuity and hard work to create or secure “gold rice bowls” so to speak.

  1. 为政之要就是要舍小利、顾大义、顺民心。

After all, governance is all about letting go of narrow departmental interests for the greater good and always responding to the people’s call.

  1. 我们不会越俎代庖去做不应是中国做的事情。

China has no intention to overreach itself into areas where its due role is not in place.

  1. “一国两制”的实践要不动摇、不走样、不变形。

The principle of “one country, two systems” needs to be steadfastly applied without being bent or distorted.

  1. 香港是近水楼台先得月。

Hong Kong stands to be the first to benefit from such arrangement thanks to its unique strengths.

  1. 中国很多企业是有企业文化的,他们对老职工有感情,去新岗位就业了,企业仍然还会给一些补贴,扶上马、送一程。

Chinese companies, whose corporate culture encourages close employer-employee relationships, will continue to provide subsidies to their loyal employees for some time to give them a leg-up.

  1. 中国有句古话:有恒产者有恒心。

Our ancestors believe that one shall have his peace of mind when he possesses a piece of land.

  1. 亚太地区是地区国家共有的家园,我们不希望、也不愿意看到冷战思维下所谓“选边站队”的事情发生,有什么事情要按是非曲直来说话,总的还是要维护亚太地区的和平和稳定。

The Asia-Pacific is the common home for all countries in this region. China does not want to see any party feeling compelled to choose sides under the influence of the Cold-War mentality. We believe regional affairs should be handled on the merits of each case and in a way that is conducive to continued peace and stability.

  1. 我们就是要用政府的“痛”换来企业的“顺”,让企业轻装上阵,提高竞争力。

So we will use this painful adjustment on the part of the government to make things easier for businesses to enhance their competitiveness.

  1. 雾霾问题的确是百姓的痛点。

I fully understand that the smog is a huge irritant in people’s lives.

  1. 蓝天和空气一样,对每个人都是平等的。

Like air, blue skies treat everyone equally.

  1. 大自然的阴晴风雨不是人类能支配的,但是我们可以支配我们的行为,可以转变我们的发展方式。

We may not be able to control the weather, but we can adjust our behavior and our way of development.

  1. 70年住宅土地使用权到期可以续期,不需申请,没有前置条件,也不影响交易。

The renewal of the 70-year term of land-use right can be renewed without application or preset conditions, and transaction of the property will not be affected.
