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我译网    发布时间:2018-09-14 14:15:49
  1. 我们将忠诚于宪法,忠实于人民,以民之所望为施政所向。

We will be true to the Constitution, loyal to the people and the people’s wish will point the direction of our government’s efforts.

  1. 为政清廉应该先从自己做起,己正,才能正人,这是古训,也是真理。

Clean government should start with oneself. Only one is upright him or herself can he or her ask others to be upright. This is an ancient adage but also a truth.

  1. 自古有所谓“为官发财,应当两道”。

Since ancient times, holding government office and making money have been two separate lanes.

  1. 要让人民过上好日子,政府就要过紧日子。

If the people are to lead good lives then the government must be put on a tight budget.

  1. 改革贵在行动,喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子。

In advancing reform, the important thing is to take action. Talking the talk is not as good as walking the walk.

  1. 所谓打断骨头还连着筋,同胞之间、手足之情,没有解不开的结。

Bones may be broken but not sinews because we are fellow compatriots. Between us, there is no “knot” that cannot be untied.

  1. 花好总有月圆时。

When the flowers are in full bloom, there will be a time for the moon to be full again.

  1. 城镇化也不能靠摊大饼,还是要大、中、小城市协调发展,东、中、西部地区因地制宜地推进。

Urbanization is not about building big, sprawling cities. We need to ensure proper balance between large, medium and small cities, and the eastern, central and western regions of China should pursue urbanization in light of their local conditions.

  1. 还要注意防止城市病,不能一边是高楼林立,一边是棚户连片。

It is also very important to prevent the typical malaise that might plague big cities, so that we won’t have a situation where skyscrapers coexist with shanty towns.

  1. 政府应当铁腕执法、铁面问责。

We will face the situation and punish the offenders without mercy, and enforce the law with an iron fist.

  1. 既然同呼吸、就要共奋斗,大家都尽一把力。政府则是要以更大的决心来让人民放心。

Since we breathe the same air, then we have to work hard together. Everyone should pitch in and as far as the government is concerned, we will share greater resolve and take actions to reassure the people.

  1. 在我个人的经历,在读书、做事、文化熏陶当中,悟出一个道理,就是行大道、民为本、利天下。

In my life, through reading, through handling various matters and through my cultural up bring, I have learned the following: which is , to follow the great way, to put the people first and to benefit all under heaven.

  1. 我坚信做人要正、办事要公,才能利国利民。

I am convinced that only by being upright, in conducting oneself and only by being fair; in handling affairs can one benefit the country and benefit the people.

  1. 这是削权,是自我革命,会很痛,甚至有割腕的感觉,但这是发展的需要,是人民的愿望。

The reform is about curbing government power, it’s a self-imposed revolution, it would require real sacrifice and this would be painful, but this is demanded by development and wanted by the people.

  1. 腐败和我们政府的信誉应该说水火不容。

Corruption is at complete variance with the nature of our government.

  1. 大陆和台湾是我们共同的家园,把它一道维护好、建设好,使其花团锦簇

Both the mainland and Taiwan belong to our common homeland, we need to maintain and develop well this common homeland, so that it will be full of flowers.

  1. 即使中国发展强大起来,我们也不会称霸,因为中国在近现代历史的惨痛遭遇中有深刻感受,己所不欲,勿施于人,这是中国人的信条。

Even if China becomes stronger, we will not seek hegemony because we have learned from our own bitter experience in the modern period that one should not impose on others what he himself does not desire. This is an article of faith for us.

  1. 现在触动利益往往比触及灵魂还难。

Sometimes, steering vested interests may be more difficult than steering the soul.

  1. 刚才你说的话我怎么有有罪推定的感觉啊?

In your question I sensed presumption of guilt.

  1. 公正是社会创造活力的源泉,也是提高人民满意度的一杆秤,

Fairness is the source of societal creativity and the yardstick for improving people’s satisfaction with the work of the government.

  1. 对于中国的航班安全工作,我们一直不敢放松,人命关天啊!

As for flight safety, we have never let up our effort in ensuring flight safety as there is nothing more important than human life.

  1. 开正门、堵偏门

In a word, we are going to keep the front gate open and block side doors.

  1. 我们不能把今天的“垫脚石”变成明天的“绊脚石”。

We don’t want to let today’s stepping stone become tomorrow’s stumbling block.

  1. 我们要努力做到让市场主体“法无禁止即可为”,让政府部门“法无授权不可为”,调动千千万万人的积极性,为中国经济的发展不断地注入新动力。

We need to ensure that market entities can do anything which is not prohibited by the law, and government departments must not do anything unless it is mandated by the law, so as to mobilize the initiative of all sides and add new impetus to the growth of the Chinese economy.

  1. 坚持有贪必反、有腐必惩

be steadfast in combating corruption and holding corrupt officials accountable

  1. 四邻周边有时候难免有磕磕碰碰的情况,但是只要我们相互尊重、管控分歧、互利互惠,碰出的应该是和谐的声音,而不是刺耳的噪音。

When neighbors interact with each other, it’s only natural that sometimes they will run into problems of one kind or another. But as long as they respect each other, properly manage differences and pursue mutual benefit, there will be harmonious sounds instead of jarring noises.

  1. 遇万难还须放胆,破困局要用智慧。

When confronted with mounting challenges, one needs to show guts. To tackle a difficult situation, one needs to have wisdom.

  1. 但凡事不患难而患无备。所谓磨好了斧子才能劈开柴。

But the thing we have to fear is not the difficulty itself, but lack of preparedness, just as only a sharpened axe can cut through firewood.

  1. 开了弓哪还有回头箭?我们只能是一抓到底、一往无前。我们还要继续啃“硬骨头”。

But how can an arrow shot be turned back? We are determined to see this reform through. We are prepared to take on tough challenges in pursuing this reform initiative.


The principle of equity should be reflected in both power delegation and tightened oversight.


Whatever the change may be, it should be conducive to both countries and to the sound and steady growth of China-US ties. So in a word, China and the United States need to focus more on common ground in pursuit of long-term benefits.



But our ancestors believe that one needs to be persistent in one’s pursuit of the objective. With persistent efforts over time, I believe we will be able to achieve our goal.


But in order to further release the dividends of reform and bring greater benefits to our people, we will carry through the reform without hesitation.

  1. 我们说要向雾霾等污染宣战,不是说向老天爷宣战,而是要向我们自身粗放的发展方式和生活方式宣战。

To declare war against smog and other pollution doesn’t mean that we are declaring war against Nature. Rather, what we mean is that we are going to declare war against our own inefficient and unsustainable model of growth and way of life.

  1. 所谓智者求同,愚者求异。

As the Chinese saying goes, wise people seek common interests while the unwise focus on their differences.

  1. 古人说“吾道一以贯之”,只要我们锲而不舍,假以时日,必有成效。

Our ancestors believe that one needs to be persistent in one’s pursuit of the objective. With persistent efforts over time, I believe we will be able to achieve our goal.

  1. 在这方面,我认为干一寸胜过说一尺。

In this regard, even a small action is a lot more important than a thousand words.

  1. 将心比心啊,政府工作人员应该以百姓之心为心。

Just imagine what if such situation happens to ourselves. All government employees must always put such special needs of the people on top of their mind.

  1. 中国人说民以食为天。

The Chinese people see food as an overriding priority.


Namely, we need to meet people’s basic living needs. We need to provide a last resort for people to fall back on in case of special difficulty. And we need to promote social fairness.

  1. 以权谋公而不能谋私

Government power can only be used for public good, not personal gain.

  1. 我想站在“互联网+”的风口上顺势而为,会使中国经济飞起来。

I believe that the tailwind generated by our Internet Plus strategy will allow us to take the Chinese economy to a higher growth path.

  1. 因为简政放权是政府的自我革命,削权是要触动利益的,它不是剪指甲,是割腕,忍痛也得下刀。

This is a reform the government has taken on itself. During the course of the reform, vested interests will be upset, as the government will shatter its own powers. It’s not like nail-clipping. Instead, it’s like taking a knife to one’s own flesh. So pain is only natural but, however painful it may be, we are determined to keep going until our job is done.

  1. 高手在民间,破茧就可以出蚕。

I believe there are a lot of people with brilliant talent among the people, and we must lift all the restrictions so that they can put their talent to good use.

  1. 人们不是常说,穿鞋要合脚,施政也要利民惠民。

Just as shoes must suit the feet, our administration must meet people’s needs and deliver benefits.

  1. 要说中国搭便车,这么大的块头搭谁的便车?中国是和大家一起推车。

Talking about China’s “free riding”, for such a big country as ours, how could it be easy for it to get a free ride on anybody’s train. I think what China is doing is working with other countries in pursuit of common progress.

  1. 环保法的执行,不是棉花棒,是杀手锏。

We must ensure that the law will work as a powerful and effective tool in fighting pollution instead of being soft as cotton stick.

  1. 对于一个国家的领导人来说,不仅要继承前人所创造的成就,也应该担负起前人的罪行所带来的历史责任。

For leaders of a country, they, while inheriting the historical achievements made by their forefathers, also need to shoulder the historical responsibilities for crimes committed in the past.

  1. 并不是中国向世界输出了通缩,你说叫“输出者”,实际上我们是“被通缩”。

Although the consumer price level has fallen quite low in China recently, the country is not the exporter of deflation to the world. Actually, China is "being deflated".

  1. 中国是不是最大的世界经济体。我在国外也经常听到有这种说法,总是有被忽悠的感觉。

Whether China has become the largest economy in the world? Actually I’ve heard such a view when I traveled abroad on foreign visits, but I always feel that there are some elements of misleading exaggeration in this conclusion.
