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我译网    发布时间:2020-07-03 09:26:39


技巧1:Anticipation 预测


Linguistic anticipation 语言预测:利用对句式结构和语言搭配的丰富经验,根据上半句的结构判断出下半句的大体状况。

Extra-linguistic anticipation 语言外预测:利用对会议内容的丰富经验,与对发言人语言基调的判断,预测发言人的发言内容。
China has 1.3 billion people. To maintainits stability and accelerate its development is playing an important role in the stability and development in Asia-Pacific and the world atlarge.根据汉语中“对…”结构,译员可以凭经验猜测后面大概是“发挥作用”、“扮演角色”一类的表述,故大胆让英语中这个结构提前出现。


技巧 2:Paraphrasing 意译

某代表谈到欧盟农业政策时,说到“If the CIF price of produce at the community border is below the guideline price as determined under the Common Market Organization, then a levy, which is not a tariff duty, is imposed.”
译文:如果在欧盟边境农产品的 CIF 价格低于欧盟官方的指导价,则需征收一种特别税。
这种意译法虽然不是很到位,但总比勉强为之,反而译错了 Common Market Organization 和 levy 要好。


技巧 3:Simplification 简约 



  1. 任何人不得将个人利益置于国家利益和社会利益之上。Nobody shall place his own interests abovethose of the state and the society.
  2. 中国一贯主张裁军,反对一切军备竞赛,既反对常规军备竞赛,更反对核军备竞赛;既反对地面上的军备竞赛,也反对在太空进行的军备竞赛。China consistently stands for disarmamentand is opposed to all kinds of arms race, conventional or nuclear, on theground or in outer space.



  1. 我们应该牢牢把握中美关系的大局,妥善解决分歧,不断朝着增进了解、扩大共识、发展合作、共创未来的目标前进。We should take a firm hold of the overall interests of Sino-US relation and settle our differences properly so as to develop mutual understanding, cooperation and a better future.
  2. 所有人都可以借助互联网资源来学习,不论他们是哪个民族、何种性别、何种肤色,只要他们可以接入互联网,都能进行学习。All can study with the help of Internet resources, regardless of their race, nationality, and gender, as long as they have access to the Internet. 


技巧 4:Addition 增补

China is a country with 5,000 years ofcivilization. Therefore, to approach China from its history and culture forms an important perspective.
加 Therefore 使逻辑关系更明确。


技巧 5:Conversion 转换 

在英语中,动意常常用名词来表达。在汉语中,动意常常用动词结构来表达。 汉译英时,常常要将汉语的动词转换成英语的非动词。 
总统批准增加拨款 500 万美元,解决沙漠部队饮水问题。
The president has approved an additional 5 million US dollars to provide the desert troops with drinking water.
The extentof my visit symbolizes my Government’s awareness of the importance of the modernization taking place in China and the implications of that for our relationship


技巧 6:Opposition 反说

主被动变通(主动→被动) 英语中存在大量被动句,而汉语存在大量主动句。 品牌名称是能看得见、能说出来、能写出来的,而品牌标识是只能看得见而不能说出来的。(主动)A brandname can be seen, spoken out and written out, while a brand logo can only beseen instead of being spoken out.(被动) 


技巧7:Generalization 归纳 


对已经完成的内容进行总结性归纳:among  others, so on


The coastal open cities should fulfill these tasks: conscientiously carrying out transformation and upgrading of technologies, improving the management and making efforts in improvement of the traditional products and the development of new products.

