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1 月双语热词汇总 Ⅰ

我译网    发布时间:2019-02-25 14:55:59

1、网页版 QQ WebQQ

Tencent QQ, one of China's most influential messaging and social networking softwares, waved goodbye to its byproduct WebQQ on January 1, 2019 due to internal business restructuring.

由于内部业务调整,腾讯 QQ 于 2019 年 1 月 1 日关闭其附属产品——网页版 QQ。腾讯 QQ 是中国最有影响力的通信和社交软件之一。


2、雄安新区总体规划 master plan for Xiongan New Area

中国政府网 2 日公布《国务院关于河北雄安新区总体规划(2018—2035 年)的批复》。批复指出,经中共中央、国务院同意,原则同意《河北雄安新区总体规划(2018—2035 年)》。

The 2018-2035 master plan for Xiongan New Area is significant to build Xiongan into the national model of high-quality development and a new engine for the modern economic system, said the approval released on Wednesday.


3、月球背面 the far side of the moon

2019 年 1 月 3 日 10 时 26 分,嫦娥四号探测器自主着陆在月球背面南极-艾特肯盆地内的冯·卡门撞击坑内,实现人类探测器首次在月球背面软着陆。

The Chang'e 4 lunar probe landed at 10:26 on the Von Karman crater in the South Pole-Aitken basin and then sent back a picture of the landing site shot by one of the monitor cameras on the probe's lander, marking the world's first image taken on the moon's far side.


4、海南自由贸易账户 Hainan free trade account

海南自由贸易账户体系于 2019 年 1 月 1 日在海南省内部分金融机构正式上线运行。

The Hainan free trade account system dispenses with the earlier requirement of maintaining two accounts, one for domestic transactions and the other for international transactions, replacing them with a unified domestic and foreign currency account with the renminbi as the base currency.


5、出境税 sayonara tax

Starting next week, all travellers, regardless of nationality, leaving Japan will be required to pay a "sayonara tax" of 1,000 yen, Japanese media reported.

据日本媒体报道,下周起,无论国籍,所有从日本离境的游客都必须支付一笔 1000 日元的出境税。


6、停产 suspend production

Palace Museum Taobao suspended production of cosmetics including lipsticks, eye shadow and rouge on Saturday, citing quality concerns following their release on the e-marketplace on Dec 11.

“故宫淘宝” 5 日宣布唇膏、眼影、腮红等彩妆系列产品因品质原因停产,该系列产品于 2018 年 12 月 11 日在淘宝上线。


7、国家科学技术奖 State Science and Technology Award

Radar expert Liu Yongtan and defense engineer Major General Qian Qihu were honored with the 2018 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award on Tuesday.

1 月 8 日,雷达专家刘永坦和防护工程专家钱七虎少将获得 2018 年度国家最高科学技术奖。


8、百日行动 100-day campaign

国家市场监管总局、工信部、公安部、卫健委等 13 个部门召开电视电话会议,决定自 2019 年 1 月 8 日起,在全国范围内集中开展联合整治“保健”市场乱象百日行动(100-day campaign to crack down on illegal practices involving health products)。


9、微信大数据 WeChat big data

2018 微信数据报告显示:

WeChat's 1.08 billion monthly active users last year made 410 million daily video and audio calls.

2018 年,微信月活用户 10.8 亿,4.1 亿次音视频呼叫成功。


10、5G 临时牌照 temporary 5G licenses

The nation will grant temporary 5G licenses this year to promote the application and construction of fifth-generation mobile communication technology, Minister of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei, said on Thursday.

工业和信息化部部长苗圩 10 日表示,今年,我国将发放 5G 临时牌照,推进第 5 代移动通信技术的应用和建设。