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9 月双语热词汇总

我译网    发布时间:2018-10-19 13:47:10
  • 科学素质

scientific literacy


According to a national survey on scientific literacy, nearly 8.5% of China's total population is scientifically literate in 2018, a 2.3 percentage point increase compared to 2015.

一项关于科学素质的全国性调查显示,2018 年,我国公民具备科学素质的比例已接近 8.5%,较 2015 年上升了 2.3 个百分点。


  • 正当防卫

justifiable defense


Police and prosecutors in Kunshan, Jiangsu province, released statements Saturday on a case in which a bike rider stabbed another man to death following a traffic spat, verifying that the man's behavior constituted justifiable defense and noting he should be exempt from criminal liability.

江苏省昆山市公安和检察部门 9 月 1 日就一名骑自行车男子因交通口角砍人致死案发布通报,认定该男子的行为属于正当防卫,不负刑事责任。


  • 播放量

view counts


One of China's largest video platforms, iQiyi, announced on Monday that it's removing all view counts on its website, and instead would be adopting artificial intelligence technology to help recommend videos.

我国最大视频平台之一爱奇艺 3 日宣布,关闭其网站上所有的播放量显示,转而借助人工智能技术向用户推荐视频。


  • 匿名高官

anonymous senior official


An opinion piece in The New York Times by an anonymous senior official claiming to be part of a "resistance" working "from within" to thwart President Donald Trump's "worst inclinations" set off a wild guessing game inside and outside the White House on the author's identity.



  • 就业力



Chinese universities record strong performance in graduate employment, with 34 universities entering the world's top 500 universities for graduate employability, a latest ranking showed.

一份最新榜单显示,在毕业生就业方面中国高校表现出色,共有34所大学进入全球毕业生就业力 500 强院校。


  • 传承计划

succession plan


Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma announced a succession plan on Monday to hand the reins of his sprawling empire to a new generation of leaders.

阿里巴巴董事会主席马云 10 日宣布传承计划,计划将其庞大商业帝国的领导权交给新一代掌舵者。


  • 双卡双待

dual-SIM dual standby


Apple's latest iPhone XR and iPhone Xs Max for the Chinese market will support dual-SIM dual standby for the first time.

面向中国市场发售的苹果新款 iPhone XR 和 iPhone Xs Max 手机将首次支持双卡双待。


  • 在线开方

issue prescriptions online


The National Health Commission recently released a notice saying informatization of medical institutions should be further advanced so that doctors can issue prescriptions online to treat some common diseases and chronic diseases as long as they know the patient's entire medical history and physical traits.



  • 网络文学

online literature


The number of China's online literature readers has increased to 406 million this year, almost half of the country's total online population, according to a new industry report.

一份新的行业报告显示,我国网络文学读者数量今年增至 4.06 亿,约占全国网民总数的一半。


  • 首位月球旅客

first Moon trip passenger


SpaceX announced Monday that Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa will become the aerospace company's first Moon trip passenger.

17 日,太空探索技术公司 (SpaceX) 宣布,日本亿万富翁前泽友作将成为这家航空公司的首位月球之旅乘客。


  • 学习之道

study tips


Sophia Chua-Rubenfield, daughter of writer Amy Chua who is also known as "The Tiger Mom", has shared some study tips in a blog post. Sophia graduated from Harvard University with a degree in Philosophy in 2015. Just recently, she finished her Juris Doctor program at Yale University.



  • 预算绩效管理

budget performance management

China is aiming to establish a performance management system for budgets of governments at all levels in the next three to five years to enable better budget management and policy implementation, according to a guideline published on Tuesday.

25 日发布的一份意见指出,我国力争用 3-5 年时间建成覆盖各级政府的预算绩效管理体系,提升预算管理和政策执行能力。


  • 预算绩效管理

budget performance management

China is aiming to establish a performance management system for budgets of governments at all levels in the next three to five years to enable better budget management and policy implementation, according to a guideline published on Tuesday.

25 日发布的一份意见指出,我国力争用 3-5 年时间建成覆盖各级政府的预算绩效管理体系,提升预算管理和政策执行能力。


  • 富时罗素指数

FTSE Russell index


China A shares will soon be added to FTSE Russell's global indexes, another step in the country's efforts to internationalize its capital markets.



  • 地球卫士奖

Champions of the Earth Award


Zhejiang province was recognized with a Champions of the Earth Award, the United Nation's highest environmental honor, at the UN headquarters in New York on Wednesday.

26 日,浙江省在纽约的联合国总部荣获"地球卫士奖",这是联合国的最高环境荣誉。


  • 最佳外语片

Best Foreign Language Film


Chinese blockbuster "Operation Red Sea" has been chosen to represent Hong Kong, China for the Best Foreign Language Film honor at the 91st Academy Awards, the film's official Sina Weibo account announced on Monday.

24 日,国产大片《红海行动》官方微博宣布,该片将代表中国香港角逐第 91 届奥斯卡最佳外语片奖。



