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我译网    发布时间:2016-12-22 16:27:49


“猴年马月”都到了,但是我们怎么人工翻译呢?A monkey's year and a horse's month?这样的译文会让歪果仁贻笑大方。关于“猴年马月”的由来有很多说法。其中一种说法为,“猴年马月”是方言“何年嘛月”的误传,另一种说法是“猴年腊月”或“猴年十仨月”的误传,总之,是指某些事情的前景尚未可知,也指事情未来的结果无法预料,泛指未来的岁月。

还有第三种说法是,这个词语中的“猴”,本应为“驴”。据第6版《现代汉语词典》解释,“驴年马月”用来指遥遥无期,不能实现而言的不可知的年月,农历用代表地支的十二生肖纪年,其中没有驴年,遂也称“猴年马月”。而在英语中就翻译为 “驴年”:donkey's years。他们对此是这样解释的:

“A query asked if the British slang term for 'a very long time' was donkey's years or donkey's ears. My first thoughts were, "donkey's years of course - what would ears have to do with it?". It turns out that I was being rather hasty. Donkey's years is now the more commonly used slang term when meaning 'a long time', but donkey's ears, although used little in recent years, has been a jokey alternative for some time - from the early 20th century.”


“一份问卷调查了英国描述“很长时间”的俚语是donkey's years还是donkey's ears。donkey's years在现在,普遍被用作表示“很长时间”,donkey's ears虽然如今用的很少,但从20世纪初期开始,被用作一种滑稽的替代。”

Donkey's ears works as rhyming slang whereas donkey's years doesn't. In rhyming slang the last word of a short phrase is rhymed with the word that gives the slang meaning.

donkey's ears作为一种同韵俚语,而donkey's years却不是。在同韵俚语中,短语中的最后一个词和俚语意思的词押韵。

虽然对于“猴年马月”的出处没有统一的解释,但是大家对这个词的理解还是比较一致的:比如泛指未来某一段的时间,遥遥无期的感觉等等。所以,“猴年马月”用英文可以翻译为one of these years。

英语中也有相似含义的表达方式,比如until the cows come home。
例:We'll have to wait for the new teaching building to be ready until the cows come home. (建好新的教学楼恐怕要等到猴年马月了。)


monkey business 胡闹、骗人的把戏
make a monkey (out) of someone愚弄、戏耍某人
monkey around (about) 闲逛
don't give a monkey's about something 毫不在乎某事